Chapter 11 Testing reactive web applications Reactive Web Applications: With Play, Akka, and Reactive Streams

Each handler must either pass the message along, determine that the stream process has ended and “eat” the message, or generate an error. The handler may decide whether to “fork” a message to multiple streams or to generate a new stream or streams. These fork conditions are often used to separate tasks in message handling; a message might generate a local response to open a gate as well as a message to a transaction processing system. The higher the percentage of code being tested is directly proportional to how proactive you are in fully testing your source code.

what is reactive testing

This means when testing the athlete(s), there is a high degree of variability within the results – suggesting it is important the athlete(s) have a high level of technical proficiency with plyometric movements before they are tested. Though this is only anecdotal, with no research to the author’s knowledge supporting this claim, the information is still valuable. An athlete’s ability to quickly and effectively move through the stretch-shortening cycle is important for a variety of sports.

It’s generally accepted that events are “real-time” signals, meaning they’re generated contemporaneously with the condition they signal, and they must be processed in real time as well. These events are best visualized as “streams” that can flow through multiple processing elements, be stopped and handled along the way, or fork and generate parallel processing activity. For the majority of cases, this processing is time-sensitive, which means that the applications require a different programming style, which is how reactive programming came about. The ground contact time of the reactive strength index test is an important parameter that must be considered when testing athletes and especially for interpreting the information. It is suggested athletes must have a sound level of technical plyometric proficiency before they are even considered for testing. Reactive programming is all about streams, which are time-ordered sequences of related event messages.

Chapter 11. Testing reactive web applications

This test treats our component as black-box and validates the business requirements. The third-party service contract provides two different types of response structures (success and error response schema). For example, taking off in the long jump, or even changing direction in football both require the athlete to rapidly move through the stretch-shortening cycle. In fact, the RSI has been shown to have a strong relationship with both change of direction speed and acceleration speed (12).

The following is an example of a MockBean injection to mimic the persistence layer in your test. Traditionally serum is exposed to panel lymphocytes and to an extent other leukocytes in a complement dependent cytotoxicity test. From the extent and pattern of cytotoxicity an estimation of what percentage of the possible donor population the patient has antibodies against is calculated.

Lastly, as both flight time and jump height are reliable measures with a strong correlation, either can be used with confidence to calculate RSI. The test design principles of the Component Test is already discussed, and in this phase of testing the primary objective is validating the business logic of the microservice in isolation. In this section, we will also touch upon the concepts of WireMock for stubbing. Our purpose is to improve the performance of athletes and teams around the world by simplifying sports science and making it practical. This is another issue that potentially affects both performance testing and fatigue monitoring. An athlete with lower technical proficiency (i.e. movement quality) appears to struggle to replicate plyometric activities such as DJs.

definition of reactive testing

A given stream will generally start with an observer, which can be either a segment of code inside an application that watches for some condition related to the application, or a device like an IoT sensor that generates an event. A stream is sometimes diagrammed as an arrow — left to right — that starts with the observer process and flows through one or more handlers until it’s completely processed, terminates in an error status, or forks into derivative streams. Reactive programming is about building those observers and handlers and threading the stream as required. Reactive programming and the reactive systems it deals with consist of a combination of “observer” and “handler” functions. The former recognizes important conditions or changes and generates messages to signal they’ve happened, and the latter deals with those messages appropriately. The presumption in reactive programming is that there’s no control over the number or timing of the events, so the software must be resilient and highly scalable to manage variable loads.

What is the reactive strength index (RSI)?

The component testing phase is business-critical, as the objective is more functional. But even if you were able to peer into the source code and write the six white box tests necessary to fully test the transfer from savings to checking business logic, is the code now fully tested? Good reactive programs start with a clear diagram of the event stream, one that includes all the specific handler processes and their role in processing, terminating or error generation. When this is done, the hosting platform — edge, cloud or data center — is selected and designated on the stream diagram for each process, avoiding any back and forth across hosting platform boundaries. Early applications of reactive programming to business applications were largely confined to things such as monitoring the state of networks, servers or software, and signaling database conditions such as inventory levels.

If using a force plate, it is better to use jump height based on ground reaction forces as this has been suggested to provide a more valid RSI measure. If no force plate is available, then using flight time calculated from a contact mat also works well and is often used in research and practice settings. The RSI was developed to measure how an athlete copes and performs during plyometric activities by measuring the muscle-tendon stress and their reactive jump capacity (8). It demonstrates an athlete’s ability to rapidly change from an eccentric motion into a concentric muscular contraction and is an expression of their dynamic explosive vertical jump capacity (1). And until this black box of business logic is fully white box tested, then the opportunity for a savings to checking transfer to perform incorrectly is reactively high. In the middle of the activity diagram, there is another black-box, checking monthly max transfers exceeded, that can only truly be tested via white box testing.

This focus is changing with the advent of IoT, smart buildings and cities, and public cloud computing. IoT has made the reactive model important in facilities management, industrial process control and even home automation. The cloud has introduced both a style of componentizing software — functional computing and microservices — and a movement to shift many reactive applications to the cloud for its scalability and reliability benefits. Reactive programming creates software that responds to events rather than solicits inputs from users.

definition of reactive testing

However, if you’re being proactive, you would be writing white box tests to further avoid being reactive to more bug fixes in your application’s source code in the future. The approach of writing the tests and design principles are highly subjective and depends largely on the context. The Component Tests can be implemented in the same way as the Integration Tests by design principle. We can also configure WebTestClient automatically to bind the application context and run the tests. This would provide more of a black-box approach to the testing, where the component under test is fed with the input data and response is functionally validated.

Use our online form to tell us more about your needs and an ioKinetic representative will be in touch with you shortly to learn specific details, and to provide you with a formal quotation. Tutorials Point is a leading Ed Tech company striving to provide the best learning material on technical and non-technical subjects. It employs many methods like creating graphs for cause and effect, analyzing test conditions and analyzing ambiguities. Usually a list of defects in the requirements document is used to detect requirements ambiguities and then remove them. Owen is the Founder of Science for Sport and has a Master’s degree in Strength & Conditioning and a Bachelor’s degree in Sports Conditioning & Rehabilitation from Cardiff Metropolitan University. Before founding Science for Sport, he was formerly the Head of Academy Sports Science at Cardiff City Football Club, and an interim Sports Scientist for the Welsh Football Association.

definition of reactive testing

It is a test of the degree of alloimmunity in a graft recipient and thus a test that quantifies the risk of transplant rejection. Each population has a different demographic prevalence of particular antigens, so the PRA test panel constituents differ from country to country. Chemical reactions with a significant release of heat, gas and/or toxic materials have the potential to cause harm to people, property or the environment. Watch the video to see the ioKinetic 3-step systematic approach to sizing relief systems for reactive systems.


interactions are defined in the server function of applications and in

  • White box testing is a method of software testing that examines the internal structures or workings of an application, as opposed to its functionality (Wikipedia).
  • An athlete’s ability to quickly and effectively move through the stretch-shortening cycle is important for a variety of sports.
  • An example of an integration test in our Reactive Microservice context could be calling the Application Router function and validate the integration between the different blocks (handler, processor etc.), and the external data source.
  • These fork conditions are often used to separate tasks in message handling; a message might generate a local response to open a gate as well as a message to a transaction processing system.
  • Practitioners should be well aware of this issue when testing their athletes and pick a test that better suits the demands of their athletes.

modules. Reactive programming describes a design paradigm that relies on asynchronous programming logic to handle real-time updates to otherwise static content. It provides an efficient means — the use of automated data streams — to handle data updates to content whenever a user makes an inquiry.

If the fatally bugged source code is introduced into the production environment, the fallout could be catastrophic. Not really… Black box testing is a method of software testing that examines the functionality of an application without peering into its internal structures or workings (Wikipedia). Though both jump height and flight time can be measured directly and accurately, numerous professionals prefer to use flight time as opposed to jump height because it is easier to obtain and less time-consuming. It makes little difference which calculation is used as jump height and flight time are strongly correlated as both are a straight mathematical derivation (14).
